Monday, February 26, 2007

OK... So, Here's Where I'm Headed....

I leave in a matter of days!! I can't wait!! So, I have my itinerary as set as it is going to be!! I will be spending the first month in the UK, travelling and visiting family and friends. Then, I will head down to France, Belgium, the Netherlands for some much needed fun in Amsterdam, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, and then swing back up into southern France and the Cote D'Azur. After all of the hullaballoo, I will head back to London where I plan to hang out for awhile!! I may take some short mini holidays to various regions in the UK & Ireland, but I will be getting involved in the London Theatre scene! Hopefully, that will include a few auditions!!

OK... so, for those of you who do not know me, I am also a writer. However, I have had horrific writer's block for the past couple of years. A lot of the problem is stress. But.... there has been something else. Something eating away at me.... I just haven't been able to write. Not anything good anyway. And I just gave up. So, I'm hoping that I will regain my Spark... my joie de creative juiciness! Yea... I told you.... any-hoo... I'm hoping that part of this adventure will help me open up and I can start writing again. I have so many thoughts knocking around my heart and head that I NEED to start writing again soon... or I will lose my mind!!

I will finish this post later....

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