Sunday, December 17, 2006

My Master Plan...

Mwha ha ha ha......

Just kidding - sort of.

Any-hoo... I have finally firmed up some plans and made some decisions and so forth. I'm sure this comes as much relief for some of you! LOL!

So... here is the 411 - oh yeah! I will be leaving for Europe on or about March 1. I'll be in Eastern Europe for a couple months, then I will be attending the 2007 Cannes Film festival! After the festival, I will spend a bit of time traveling in Europe and then settle temporarily in the UK! There I will spend some time relaxing and working on some writing and projects that I have been neglecting - myself included. Once I have regained my bearings and bravo, I will return stateside and head back out to LA. I'm getting jerked about - not in the good way - regarding the status of some projects, but in the end, LA is the best place for me at this point. So, that is my Master Plan in a nutshell.... let me know what you think!

Of course, as many of you are painfully aware, my plans are rather fluid and tend to ebb and flow with the tides of the times. So, my wanderlust adventure may be cut short by the sharp sword of opportunity. Oh the drama.... ~sigh~ so it be.... I'll keep you all up to date!

Barring any major upheavals in my plans, I should be back in LA in just enough time to fully prepare for the following pilot season! I think it will be good for me to go back - things are different. I'm different, LA is different, the industry is different. It will be interesting to see what happens this time. The whole "Terrible Twat of Times Square" incident really illuminated certain inaccuracies in my thinking. So, as most of you know, this hateful little bitch threw me into a downward spiral the likes of which I had not seen in years - although, I think it also was a certain backlash from staying with my parent's in "The" house (if you know me, you know what that means). Admittedly, I was more than a bit nutty and decidedly morose. Regardless, the experience almost jaded my opinion of NYC. Then I realized that I was placing a judgment on a location based on a singular experience! That's ridiculous! NYC is not at fault, she and her minions are. LA was not to blame for the heavy baggage I brought with me. In fact, I did very well in LA and it allowed for some of the happiest experiences of my life!! I kept blaming my misery on LA being too fake, too dirty, too lonely. In reality, I would have been miserable no matter where I was. It was where I was emotionally that was dirty and lonely. So, it is with this enlightened thinking that I set my sights ahead. And I look forward to meeting LA once again! Of course, Pinky's, Palm Trees, the Pier, and the Promenade are all worth the trip! Apparently, I enjoy things that start with "P"... hmmmm....

In case you don't know the story of "The Terrible Twat of Times Square", email me and I'll fill you in! Suffice it to say, she is evil and I hold grudges. And since I had to take care of myself first, I wasn't able to follow through as I normally would have. No matter! Everyone knows of her now and knows that she is evil and not to be trusted - or employed. The 1st Amendment is a wonderful tool! Especially when you know so many people. OK... I understand that this is not the most enlightened approach, but I'm a work in progress. I acknowledge and accept this.... so leave it be.

Any-hoo.... I guess that's it for now. As most of you know, I have already left the city and I won't be back before leaving for Europe! I know, I know - I love you all and I will miss you! But you know I'll keep in touch while on the road and when I get back. Of course, I'll see many of you in Cannes for the festival!

For those voyeurs who may be reading this blog for shits and giggles, keep readin! I plan on updating it often while I'm on the road! And I am working on getting into the habit of updating it regularly, so bear with me!

Well, I'm off to bed. I promise I will post again in the next few days! Night!

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